Assembly Facts  


We are a congregation of winning team citizens that believe, operate, and support Torah. It's our mission to perfect believers through teaching for the work of the ministry. To enlighten and enhance our citizen's ministry and life, teaching them through word and example how to flow in divine order in every area, enabling them to reach a state of maturity in their particular office or walk. To empower them to walk in the higher and the greater, allowing them to destroy yokes that stand or come before them which will allow them to live a victorious life consistently.


Many people ask what is the vision of the house, as if every house has a different vision. I am told that where there are two visions in one place you have Di-visions is that right? And if a doubled-minded man is unstable in all his ways, what does that say about a doubled-minded assembly? Well The Most High, Elohim has already set and established the vision of His house. Many may have Mission statements of how they are going to carry out the vision of the house that Yah has already set. Except Yah builds the house we labor in vain Psalm 127:1. Without a vision the people perish right? That's why Yah gave us laws and commandments He wrote down the vision and made it plain so that we may run with it." We have to see as the Most High sees. That's how every assembly in the biblical days were all the same teaching the same thing, and living the same way they all were following Yahweh's vision. It's the simple things that we do or don't do that messes up what Yahweh is trying to do in His house. So, its my desire to have a house full of torah and word scholars that other ministries, or men or women of Yah can pull from to take their houses to another level.


We follow the teachings of our Hebraic heritage and as an assembly we meet the needs of the body, soul and spirit. We are a prophetic congregation filled with many prophetic voices that Yahweh has raised up for this hour, and we are a assembly that promotes, teaches and lives the truth of G-d, Yahweh. Though we have many prophets in the ministry, there are not ONLY prophets in the congregation. We are designed to help and support believers in their particular area (s) of ministry. We teach the word of Yahweh in everyday language, using everyday things to enhance one's understanding and reception of the scriptures. We also deal with and practice spiritual protocol and divine order. In our assembly during the message you are able to ask questions to get clarity of the Word that's being presented. Knowledge is substance, Wisdom is power, and power is the anointing (Yahshua) and the anointing abides in us. We promote family values and love is the main element in our house.


It's our heart to see our citizens grow up into Yahshua the Messiah into all things. It is also our heart that the people of Yahweh would gain and retain the mind of the Messiah in every area of their life. To live in balance, and have peace with all men even when the other person doesn't want to make peace. It's our heart that we all achieve the heart of Yahweh which would make the difference in our lives daily. It's also the heart of this assembly that our will gets so wrapped up in the will of Yah that our hearts began to beat as one, His. It is also our vision to raise our youth as children to worship Yah and to teach them to have a personal intimate relationship with Yahshua. So we have little ones and teens on up that are prophetic and are living this sanctified life.

The Sabbath

As a congregation we celebrate and worship on the G-d ordained Sabbath. In keeping the Sabbath we are being obedient to G-d, and blessings come with that obedience.

The Sabbath is the Seventh Day the day that G-d has ordained as the Sabbath Day of rest. Its the day of worship and celebration, that you gather your thoughts and collect what you given out the last six days.

Rest for your body, soul and spirit G-d uses the Sabbath Day to restore you, to rest in His presence and to rest in Worship. Luke 4:4

The Scripture cannot be broken which means that it has to be consistent through out the scriptures." St. John 10:35

The Sabbath was made for man. St. Mark 2:27,28

The keeping of the Sabbath is a covenant Exodus 31:13,16,17

You are expected to be committed in:


We are a young assembly, so numbers do count, it does matter if you come to fellowship or not, because it takes all of us to make up the whole. We come together once a week for 2 to 3 hours for Sabbath service, that should be the most important hours of your week and we expect our citizens to look forward to the Sabbath services. We never know what G-d is going to do in a person's life, in the midst of any service celebration. How is He going to answer or confirm our questions from prayer if we are not sitting under the mouthpiece that He has placed in our presence? You have Sunday to shop, to sleep or to have family time. Not only that but if for some HUGE reason you can't make Sabbath call and let your pastor know beforehand.

Since we make it on time to work and we make it on time to the movies because we don't want to miss one part. (Smile) We are on time for our hair and nail appointments, and we are on time for our doctor appointments so why are we late with Yahweh's appointments?" Give Him the same respect. G-d maintains us all week why can't we say thank you for those few hours, as a matter of fact the WHOLE SABBATH DAY BELONGS TO HIM!" Who are we to decide that we are not going to evening service or activity because we don't want to go. Your commitment is crucial-especially on Shabbat!

Praise & Worship

We endorse praise and worship, it is not the time for a concert nor is it for entertainment‚it is the time set aside for you to get into the presence of YAHWEH, that the time set aside to express your love to Him in ACTION not SITTING. Praise and worship is not based on us waiting on our favorite song “ real praise and worship says I am going to use whatever song is being ministered and give it to G-d in praise and worship. We want people to move, we want people to dance we want people to express their heart to G-d. A house that promotes freedom expresses freedom.

Tithe & Offerings

We expect our citizens to stay committed in tithes and offerings there is never a time that we can say that we don't have enough because G-d's money comes off the top FIRST. And you can see how G-d blesses you when you do bring Him (Not Pay) your tithes. G-d is not one of your many bills, your tithe is not some thing that you borrow from G-d and pay it back next week. BRING means it is already mine “ just bring it to me." "When you struggle bringing your tithe, you struggle with your trust in G-d, and even worst you struggle in your Salvation."